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Who We Are

Why Now?

Front Porch Investments exists to drive forward the careful design of new programs, formalization of new cross-sector partnerships, continued consultation with local housing experts, and meaningful and intentional engagement with the communities whom local leaders are working to serve.

We implement successful housing solutions by maximizing public and private resources, convening community partners, new stakeholders, and historically excluded voices, including all these perspectives in a shared vision for the future.

The time is now for our community to act.

The need has long been present. There is documented impact from decades of investment and effort from the nonprofit sector. And yet, we have never before seen the current levels of interest and commitment from our elected officials, paired with financial resources from governmental entities, as well as educated passion from the corporate and banking sector. 

Why invest in affordable housing through Front Porch Investments?

  • Front Porch Investments is a connector and activator, leveraging relationships and knowledge of opportunities all along the affordable housing supply chain, from donors to developers to housing supportive nonprofit organizations
  • Front Porch Investments’ deep expertise and broad perspective on the affordable housing ecosystem allows us to identify the most innovative and strategic opportunities
  • Contributions to Front Porch Investments leverage public funds and are braided with other private funds to fill gaps and amplify impact
  • A one-time grant to Front Porch Investments can be cycled through the community multiple times through the revolving loan program for sustained community impact 
Development and preservation - One time grant to FPI, Grant funds reinvented as revolving loans, and Continuous and ongoing community investment.